I loved drinking milk and did so well into my late twenties and even after the birth of my first child. It was a rude awakening when eventually it’s started to affect my ability to control gas.
It’s not just that, there were all those shakes from Optimum Nutrition Canada – they sell all kinds of workout supplements.
Anyway, it all seemed like lactose intolerance at first but later I realized my gut bacteria needed an overhaul. So a fried suggested going in for a wildrose detox. I zeroed in on this pack for no other reason than to just go all-natural for once and stepping away from all the synthetic and sugary substances seemed like the right way to begin any detox.
The campaign for any successful detox takes weeks; nothing good comes out of immediate solutions.Typically, one needs to take the detox pills couple of times a day while staying strictly away from the normal food that actually were toxic for your body in the first place. So basically, it becomes imperative to stay away and far far away from white processed sugar, coffee, chocolates, beverages like cola, and even alcohol, meat, and gluten. Instead, I was devoted to having healthier food options like fruits and veggies, nuts, cereals, beans, eggs, and fish.
Our bodies need time to recover from any kind of gradual or sudden changes – take women for that matter. It takes one 9 months to grow a child and it takes her precisely 2 years to have her uterus and body back to normal. Not you might think ‘Why in the Hell am I talking about this?’ when I sharing about a wildrose detox. There is reason I’m talking about this.
So after starting the cleansing routine, it took a few days for my energy levels to adjust to the overhaul I was putting my body through. Given a few days of listlessness and feeling down, my energy levels rose up high and quick – leaving e feeling absolutely great!
Since taking of small children leaves the stay at home parent very less time for anything else, it was important that the meals I actually got to cook very healthy and helped me keep my stomach satiated throughout the day. I basically cooked only breakfast and dinner, making sure to keep some of the dinner to have it for lunch next day.
I would still sneak in a few cups of milk during the weak, but because of the detox, I felt it made it harder to digest it so I stopped that. I am very much tempted to give in to pastries and brownies so I indulge a little bit once a week. This is hard to for most people but I like to treat myself once a while but keep strictly once a week so not to overindulge.