Testosterone Foods: 7 Best Foods to Instantly Boost Testosterone Levels

This hormone is produced in testicles in males and in ovaries that of the females. However, women have it in a smaller amounts than found in men. The levels of testosterone may change hour to hour. Its frequency is highest in the morning and lowest in the night. Also, its levels are on its peak at the age of 20-30 years and start to go down after 30 to 35.

Testosterone is responsible for many physical changes. These physical changes include :

Growth of the penis and testicles
Getting tall
Growth of the public hair
Growth of facial and body hair
Deepening of the voice
Building muscles and strong bones
Men needs the normal levels of testosterone for sperm production and for having children. Sometimes the levels of this hormone get disbalanced, which may result in many health issues.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels in men include:

Poor erections
A drop in sex drive
Low sperm count
Enlarged or tender breasts
Later, this drop in testosterone levels can lead to infertility, reduced muscle and bone strength and less energy. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle and take proper nutrition, it can help in boosting testosterone hormone levels to some extent.

Testosterone Boosting Foods:

Here, we are going to discuss about the main foods that will really help you to boost testosterone levels. These testosterone boosting foods are:

1. Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of potassium, manganese, vitamin A and vitamin C, which play an important role in testosterone production.

2. Brazil Nuts:

Brazil nut comes with magnesium, protein, healthy fat, zinc and other essential minerals such as selenium. Selenium works to boost the levels of this hormone in men. It also improves sperm quality, its volume, production and mobility.

3. Kale:

Kale is rich in fibers, magnesium and potassium. These elements works to boost digestion and cardiovascular health and help to increase the levels of testosterone.

4. Pumpkin Seeds:

Pumpkin seeds contains an element called, zinc, which helps to build muscles, increase sperm count and testosterone levels. These small seeds also come with vitamins and essential minerals which helps to boost libido and increase testosterone levels.

5. Chia Seeds:

Chia Seeds are super-food, containing zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium. All these nutrients works to produce and boost testosterone levels. These seeds are also rich in protein and carbohydrates.

In addition to this, They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acid and anti-inflammatory fats. Because of its high vitamin content, these seeds are a potent solution to low testosterone levels.

6. Pomegranates:

Pomegranate is known for its fertility and sex drive boosting properties. Its antioxidant contents help to support heart health and reduce stress. A study found that the consumption of pomegranate juice may increase testosterone levels in their saliva 3 times a day.

7. Onions:

Onion comes with many essential nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. In addition to this, it can play a vital role in increasing levels of testosterone hormone. A research stated that the daily consumption of fresh onion juice can significantly increase the levels of this hormone.

A study on mice stated that a daily consumption of onion or its juice for four weeks can increase total serum counts, mobility and testosterone levels.

Additional Tips:

As we have previously discussed in this article that making some changes in lifestyle and eating habits may also help in this regard. They may include :

(1) Yoga, medication or workout may play an important role in treating erectile dysfunction (ED). These activities help to improve your physical as well as mental health. Also it helps to boost the blood circulation in the body.(2) Obesity may leads to a decrease in sex drive. You just need to focus on your weight, maintaining a healthy weight can help you a lot in this regard.(3) Vitamins and some mineral supplements can be helpful in the treatment of Erectile dysfunction. Many essential vitamins such as vitamin B12, folic Acid and other B-complex vitamins help to enhance sexual performance and treat erectile dysfucntion (ED) in men.

Quality Assurance in the Supply Chain

A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If a product ultimately arrives in poor condition, the consumer doesn’t care where something went wrong—they want to see it fixed. Fortunately, a company that collects proper data can determine problem areas, leading to reduced errors, cost savings, and satisfied customers.

Mistakes Happen

Errors are inevitable even in the most efficient supply chains. Some invisible or concealed mistakes, as well as difficulties in the shipping process, will cause flawed products to find their way into consumers’ hands. “There will always be a small percentage of damages that slip through,” says Tracy Warren, Manager of Delivery & PMO at Katalyst Technologies. “The goal should be to put the critical checks in areas of the most risk, such as receiving, picking, packing, and shipping.”

Warren stresses open communication and maintaining relationships with the entire chain. “The best way [to fix problems] is to take a step back and review the entire warehouse process for gaps where quality mistakes could be made,” she says. “Talk to the associates. I can’t stress this enough. They hold the clues to improving processes.”


Advances in data have made it possible to track every step of the supply chain logistics in remarkably precise detail. This concept of traceability has become vital as supply chains become increasingly complex. Imagine a car manufacturer trying to pinpoint a production flaw. The point in the past where their analysis might have concluded is now just the beginning.

“You build the entire story of the creation of the [vehicle],” says Paul Bailo, an executive of digital and data innovation and adjunct professor at Columbia University and NYU. “You’re now able to go down to a minute detail of really saying what the problem is.”

Many companies used to investigate problems down to just the physical level, perhaps putting the blame towards a faulty bolt and ending it there. However, that no longer needs to be the case. Now an organization can determine where that bolt was manufactured and at what stage in the process the issue occurred. They can even track down the exact employee who screwed in the bolt.

More Touches, More Problems

For years, supply chain managers have operated under the philosophy that the fewer touches a product experiences, the lower the risk of defects and errors. Ultimately, the only way to improve a supply chain is to shorten it.

“If you look at the data, the data will identify all the real touch points,” says Bailo. “You could identify the areas that aren’t adding any value—any movement, any blink of the eye that doesn’t add value could be eliminated.” Examining even the smallest step that can be reduced or eliminated will lead to a faster and more efficient supply chain management. “If you have a process that has 10 steps to revolution, then you get it to nine steps, and you get it to eight steps. So utopian view, there’s [ultimately] no steps.”

Management consultant Dr. David Anderson promotes the “Rule of 10,” which states that each stage in the manufacturing process a mistake goes undetected or unresolved results in a tenfold cost increase over the previous steps. If a flaw is dealt with immediately, costs are minimal; if it makes it through the next five stages, accounting for parts, time, and labor, it will cost 100,000 times as much.

In order to catch mistakes as quickly as possible, you need a dedicated and well-trained team. “[Hire] the right people, then train them for success,” says Warren. Accountability is also key. “Embrace the audit process,” she says. “Teaching your associates to be on the lookout for quality issues and explaining exactly what that means is critical.”

Katalyst Can Help
Customers demand quality, and your organization can’t afford to make avoidable mistakes. Reach out to the experts at Katalyst to keep your supply chain in check.

How financial planning can make you a better parent

We always hear people saying to young couples “Plan a baby”. This bundle of joy, what we call, definitely needs a lot of planning, not just emotionally, mentally or physically but most importantly financially. As this bundle of joy comes with a sense of responsibility, where one needs to plan a better future for their kid. Financial Planning is the most basic requirement yet not prioritized on top by many parents.

We as financial planners understand the importance, as every parent would want to give the best lives to their children. So this time we would want to simplify how financial planning can make you a better parent!

Pre Plan before planning for a kid:
Many of us already know what our goals and milestones are that needs to be achieved. Many of us might have already even planned for it. However, there are many initial expenses that need to be taken into consideration before the journey begins from being a bachelor to getting married and finally having a kid. As and when we grow in our lives, every stage we live through requires different levels of responsibilities and planning, we all know it by now. So as you and your partner decide you want to plan a baby, you must start an expense kitty at the earliest that will be used for your baby’s expenses. The best option is to invest, now whether it should be in debt funds, liquid funds, or equity funds that depend on the time horizon of your goal. One thing that is sure is consistently saving each month. A financial planner would also take into consideration many other factors like inflation, risk tolerance, market conditions, etc

Protect the known factors:
With financial planning, you will realize the known factors of life. Up until now, as a parent, you might have known it is important to have health insurance if you are planning a family. But the right amount requiredas per your contingency planeven though your current organization is offering insurance will be explored when you sit for financial planning. It is always better to have personal insurance customized as per our needs and not standard policies. If you have health insurance before pregnancy, you need not worry about hospitalization expenses as it is taken care of. The premium you would pay would also be less along with stress levels for you to enjoy the journey of a newborn.

Education needs:
This is a factor that any parent can’t skip through i.e Education. Every parent wants their kids to have the best education from the best institutes. These emotions of saving your kid from every struggle are evident in most of the parents and the reason most always think is, “My kid should not go through what I had gone through”, isn’t it?

So planning for their career will be the second most important aspect I hope, post your retirement planning. Because it’s not said enough that for kids’ education loan can be taken but for retirement, there is no loan. So depending on the time horizon one must plan their kid’s educational expenses keeping inflation in mind or know about the factors of options available in the market. We usually take 10% to 12% as inflation costs rise. A financial planner will always guide you practically keeping the emotions of being a parent aside and sometimes that’s what is needed to be a better parent.

Educating needs:
Our educational system has limited or no knowledge of finance from an early age. There is no such subject that inculcates the habit of financial planning in kids. Financial planners whilst planningaim to educate you to be a good teacher to them about financial planning and ensure financial literacy is given to them from their right age. Hence you cultivate the habit of saving and investing in your kid.

Some financial plans can go further with marriage, their homes, etc but the best parenting would be to teach them, let them grow, and someday let the kid leave the nest and do his financial planning on his own, just like you did. To conclude it we would like to know some of your viewpoints on the same. As we are just a call away to help you.